Mechanisms underlying plant-root microbiome recruitment under stress


Sébastien Jaupitre, MSc

PhD student at: University of Amsterdam (UvA), Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences SILS, (, in the Plant Hormone Biology group of Prof. Bouwmeester

Supervisors: prof. H.J. Bouwmeester (SILS, UvA), supervisor: dr. L. Dong (SILS, UvA).

Host training:
Microbiome analysis, gene expression analysis, analytical chemistry, gene cloning and characterization, transgenic.

Key Objectives & Expected Results


  • To study evolution of root-associated microbe recruitment by analysing plant response and microbiome composition in 100 wild and cultivated plant species under biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • To investigate the mechanisms underlying microbiome recruitment specific to the Cucurbitaceae family in domesticated species and their wild relatives.

Expected Results:

  • Genetic and metabolic features essential to root-microbiome communication across species.
  • Key factors that influenced evolution of microbiome recruitment strategies in cucurbits and their mechanisms.