Internal (online) kick-off


Most researchers have taken up their work for the first five years of the MiCRop programme, and it was time for a kick-off meeting! Due to the current situation, this kick-off was for internal participants only and took place online.

Next to a short introduction of all participating research groups and their role within the consortium, there was also time to discuss a lot of science. For work packages 1-4, the coordinators of each package presented the current state; what the next steps are; and  the planning for the coming months and years. After each presentation, there was time for questions and discussions. In addition, the data team had the opportunity to present themselves, their background and expertise, and to discuss what plans, challenges and opportunities are expected for the data part of MiCRop.

The day ended with virtual drinks to give everyone the opportunity to also connect in a more informal atmosphere. We are happy about an inspiring kick-off meeting and can't wait to bring the discussed plans into action.